Thursday, September 29, 2011

Commedia Dell'Arte

Commedia dell’arte is an Italian comedy which started during the sixteenth century. This kind of comedy depends on its performance on wearing the mask and the physical movements of the stock characters. According to Mira Filner in her book, the world of theatre, commedia dell’arte was “first called commedia all’ improvise or improvised drama. It came to be called commedia dell’arte out of respect for the great “arte” or skill for improvisation shown by the professional actors of this tradition”
Because of its great influence on the written forms of drama, commedia dell’arte was able to servive during the beginning of the eighteenth century. In the performance of commedia dell’arte dance and music are essential in this type of act. This kind of art did not require a stage; it can be preformed and done on the street and on the markets. The actors perform a great work doing their job because the deal with social issues even though they speak Italian where many people do not understand them and therefore, language was not an issue.
Some of the characters of commedia dell’arte are: Pantelone, was the merchant, rich, retired and mean; Dottore, was the medical doctor and the fraudulent; Polcinella, was the bachelor who ran after beautiful girls; Arlechino, was the most famous of all, like a child and amorous; Breghela, was roguish and would do anything for money; and finally, Il Capitano, was the captain and the professional soldier. The mask that Capitano wore contains very ling nose and very large eyes so it can widen the fear. His huge military boots used to cover half of his legs. He wore a military jacket and wore a sword on his belt. To make himself look so important and powerful, his movement was always so heroic and brave. The fact though is Capitano is always scared and terrified: he scares of any loud noise and might run a way.

Commedia has a great influence everywhere from the written drama to plots, and to the televised sitcom. That is why many actors have worked hard to revitalize this form of art.
Work Cited
 “Commedia Dell'Arte - Italian Comedy - Stock Characters.” 30 Sept. 2011.
"Commedia Dell'arte.". 30 Sept. 2011.<>.
Filner, Mira and Claudia Orenstein.“The World of Theatre”: Tradition and innovation.
Boston: Pearson, 2006.